To enable SOLIDWORKS Xpress Products (SimulationXpress, FloXpress, DFMXpress, SustainabilityXpress, and DriveWorksXpress) in 2015 and newer releases, you will need to obtain a Product Code from the MySolidWorks website.
PLEASE NOTE: The product codes are based on your SOLIDWORKS serial number and version of SOLIDWORKS. Users with separate serial numbers will require different codes. Also each major version of SOLIDWORKS require unique codes.
Step 1: First, you will need to have a SOLIDWORKS ID or 3DEXPERIENCE ID associated to an account with your SOLIDWORKS license. This may require your administrator register you through the DSx Client Care & Order portal. See our article on Transitioning to DSx Client Care & Order System.
Step 2: Launch the Xpress tool, in this example we will try to launch DriveWorksXpress. In SOLIDWORKS go to Tools > Xpress Products > DriveWorksXpress.
NOTE: Other products such as SimulationXpress or FloXpress require a model to be open first, prior to going to Tools > Xpress Products.
Step 3: In the window that comes up click on the link for
Step 4: Log into the MySolidWorks website.
Step 5: The activation code (Product Code) that is linked to your SOLIDWORKS serial number will display.
Step 6: Copy and paste the Product Code into the window in SOLIDWORKS and click OK.
After this you should have full access to your chosen SOLIDWORKS Xpress products.
The post How To Enable Xpress Products in SOLIDWORKS appeared first on The Javelin Blog.